Rollin’ Rollin’ Rollin’ Keep Those Earnings Rollin’



Yes, boys and girls, it’s that time again.

And what time is that?

Why it’s earnings time!

Leading the charge, or maybe the retreat, AMR, parent of American Airlines, announced their numbers this morning.

The numbers were pretty much what had been expected, as the company reported a $328 million loss for the quarter. While operating revenue was up 5%, operating expenses rose 13.6%. And a big chunk of that was you-know-what. Yes, fuel.

Cost per ASM, excluding all costs associated with the airline’s regional airline American Eagle, was up a hefty 15.8%. Excluding fuel, that same number drops to an increase of 3.3% for the quarter.

The airline’s earnings call is slated to start in just a couple of minutes.

Tomorrow? We hear from the folks on Denton Drive in Dallas — Southwest Airlines, as well as the folks in Houston — Continental Airlines.

All Texas all the time. Yee haw! Bring me that piece of brisket….oh, don’t forget that pulled pork sandwich and some slaw while you’re at it.