Good Morning! Musings on American Eagle


It’s Friday.


I’m working on the last page of this week’s PlaneBusiness Banter and I have Loverboy screaming “Working for the Weekend” on my iPod. Not really. Too early for that. However, the good news is we do not have a 50-plus page issue this week. Thank goodness.  We’ll be up and posted here in a few hours.

Meanwhile, I couldn’t help but shake my head when I read a headline from a press release issued by American Eagle this morning.

Headline: American Eagle Airlines is Your Route To Success.

Note that I read this just 10 hours after finishing up the page in this week’s PBB where I  talk about the December DOT operational statistics.

In December, American Eagle placed dead last in terms of on-time performance, it lost more bags than any other airline — except one, it finished in the bottom-third of the group in terms of complaints, with complaints up 115% year-over-year, and it notched more flight cancellations than any other airline.

Given these stellar performance numbers, I’m not sure the American Eagle operation is anyone’s route to success these days.

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