Football: Drama Queen Performance in Tuscaloosa

Okay, I have a confession to make. I try, I really try to make sure that every post here has something to do with airlines. Or airplanes.

But sometimes, things just sneak in here.

My snarky little jab at Alabama this weekend was just one of those I couldn’t resist.

And of course, the problem with these posts is that then readers send me notes and force, yes force me to continue the thread. Kicking and screaming.

Well, maybe not.

Saban Input

So, after more than one email today from those of you who were lucky enough to read about Alabama’s Coach Nick Saban’s little performance yesterday following his team’s loss to the University of Louisiana-Monroe — I feel it is my civic duty to get back in here and tell those of you who don’t happen to follow the wonderful sport known as Southeastern Conference Football the following tidibit.

Saturday, Alabama was near-nigh humiliated by the War Hawks of the University of Louisiana-Monroe, 21-14.  Now this is not to say that the War Hawks are not a bad bunch of guys. But hey, let’s put it this way. This should have been  kind of like Steve Nash going one-on-one with some kid in junior high school.

So yesterday, Alabama Coach Nick Saban, the man who lied about leaving LSU, and the man who played cute again with everyone when Alabama recruited him from the Miami Dolphins — the man who has no problem taking $4 million to coach a college football team — yes, that same man, likened the team’s loss to other catastrophes — such as 9/11 and Pearl Harbor.

Here’s the quote from his press conference as he exhorted his team to “rebound”:

“Changes in history usually occur after some kind of catastrophic event,” Saban said during the opening remarks of his weekly news conference. “It may be 9-11, which sort of changed the spirit of America relative to catastrophic events. Pearl Harbor kind of got us ready for World War II, or whatever, and that was a catastrophic event.”

Sorry Nick, but a football game is not quite in the same league as the events that transpired on September 11, 2001. Much less Pearl Harbor. Nick, it’s a GAME. It’s FOOTBALL. I know you think that whatever you are involved in is the most important activity on the planet — but no, I hate to tell you this — Alabama losing to ULM was not a” catastrophe.”

But wait, the story gets better.

St. Nick’s “spokesperson” then issued a statement today. “What Coach Saban said did not correlate losing a football game with tragedy; everyone needs to understand that. He was not equating losing football games to those catastrophic events,” football spokesman Jeff Purington said in a statement to The Associated Press. “The message was that true spirit and unity become evident in the most difficult of times. Those were two tremendous examples that everyone can identify with.”

Ah, excuse me, but I don’t think this makes things any better.

Only worse.

Nick, forget the X’s and the O’s this week. Before you lose to Tommy and the boys from Auburn this week — go spend some time under some rocks — and try to get some perspective.

Before those irate Alabama fans start leaving bags of burning cow patties on your front porch.

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