In Memoriam: PB Board Member Fred the Wonderdog


Fred the Wonderdog passed away this morning, surrounded by those of us who loved him.

Many long time readers of PlaneBusiness Banter were acquainted with Fred. Besides having served honorably as a board member for PlaneBusiness for nine years, Fred was, even until yesterday, a faithful companion and observer — always positioned close at hand in case his expertise was needed. That meant at the door to my office, under my bed, or under the piano in the family room which put him in close proximity to my favorite chair.

Or, as you see here, in the car seat next to me.

Fred was adopted at the Taste of Addison in Dallas, TX in 1998. Yes, he was a Dallas SPCA dog, and he was proud of it. Fred successfully survived his heart worm treatment he had to have after he was adopted — although he wasn’t overly happy at having to be neutered 2 months later. When he was adopted, it was uncertain how old Fred was — but my best guess is that Fred turned 14 or 15 this year.

The wonderful folks at the Dallas SPCA were happy that Fred, who had endured a rather horrible “first life” had found a good start to a second, more happy one. I was glad they had taken Fred under their wing, held him longer than most, and continued to believe that someone was out there who would adopt an older dog who had “issues,” including heart worms and an understandable fear of people — understanding that both had been brought about because of earlier abuse and neglect.

We’ll miss you Fred. You were a good dog. A very good dog.

2 thoughts on “In Memoriam: PB Board Member Fred the Wonderdog

  1. SWA Blog Boy

    I know this is a difficult time, but Fred had a wonderful second life thanks to you.

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