Follow the House Closings; Menke Returns to Frontier

In May of this year, we reported in PlaneBusiness Banter that former Frontier Airlines’ SVP Sean Menke had purchased a home in the Denver area. We were contacted by a couple of folks we know at Frontier who expressed the opinion that they hoped this meant Menke was going to return to the airline as the new CEO. I also assumed this was probably the case.


But then a weird thing happened. Menke was named to a new position at Air Canada.


But it looks like our hunches and those of the Frontier employees were on target after all.

Today it was announced that Menke will return to the airline in September as CEO.

What is so strange about all this is that, for Frontier, it’s deja vu all over again.

Menke left Frontier a couple of years ago to take a position with Air Canada. Personally, it was my belief, and still is, that Menke left because the board of directors at Frontier would not give him the CEO position.

As Frontier watchers no doubt recall, current CEO Jeff Potter did exactly the same thing. He left Frontier and became the CEO at Vanguard years ago — after he felt the airline was dragging its heels — by not naming him the CEO.

Well, what do you know?

My take on the news is that this is a good move for Frontier. I think Sean is a sharp guy. And, he has that major airline experience that Jeff was lacking. I also think he is probably the one person on the planet who knows Frontier the way he does. Overall, this is a good move for the airline — which is facing big challenges on almost every flank it has.

So remember — follow those real estate closings. Never know what you may find.

Ticker: (Nasdaq:FRNT)

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