Boeing Official 787 “Coming Out Party”

Did anyone watch the official Boeing coming out party Sunday for the 787? I know a number of readers wrote me notes who had trouble with the internet feed from the Boeing site. I also had a couple of you wonder if ex-NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw, who was moderating the event, might have had a bit too much champagne before he got onstage.

I didn’t watch the entire thing, but one thing I did note — the plane is a heckuva a lot better looking with its nose on. Those earlier shots that were taken a couple of weeks ago that were posted online and that we posted in PBB did not have the nose attached. Without the nose the airplane looked rather stubby — but with sexy wings. The plane looks a lot less stubby fully assembled — now  it has both sexy wings and a sexy nose.

Meanwhile, in the gossip category — how come former CEO Phil Condit was at the ceremony and Alan Mulally was not? James Wallace, the reporter with the Seattle Post-Intelligencer who does such a great job covering the aerospace industry, said in an article today that Mulally was not invited.

For those of you who missed the official roll-out yesterday, (and I guess that includes Alan) here you go.

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