Skybus Scribbles

A reader just dropped me a note and let me know that I had both a mention of Seattle/Vancouver Washington, and Seattle/Vancouver BC in my last post.

I’ve obviously been making that sales tax run between Portland and Vancouver Washington way too often.

Not really. That’s just what my pilot friends tell me who live in Vancouver. (Oregon has no sales tax, while Washington State has no state income tax — makes for some interesting activity back and forth.)

Sorry for the confusion. Obviously Skybus is going to be flying to Bellingham, which is right up there on the Canadian border. I know that. I was actually there last year. So there!

Also, as he noted, “Also, just what kind of pitch is there to put 156 seats on a 319?? And if they were trying to be a really LCC, wouldn’t it have made sense to leave off one row and only have 150 seats (3 FA’s rather than 4)??”


I don’t know, but I think I’d rather not fly one if that is going to be the seat pitch.

“Space, the final frontier,” as Captain Kirk used to say.