Monday Musings

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Enough excitement over advertising mock-ups of the new Delta livery.

Today, we have really important things to discuss, i.e., the return of Tony and the boys.

Last night “The Sopranos” began their final swan song, as the last nine episodes of the best written series on television began airing on HBO.

I’m so depressed I don’t know what to do.

What will we do without Tony? It’s hard to realize that it’s been eight years since the Soprano’s dysfunctional family first appeared on our television sets.

They’re like…well….family.

It will be hard to let them go.

Great episode last night. David Chase, creator and head writer for the show, outdid himself. The beauty in his touch is that there is always so much running just under the surface of the dialogue — we know the characters so well now — that the show really has become a metaphor for so much that happens in our own lives. He uses our knowledge of the characters to build tension — not an easy task to pull off as a writer.

Okay, enough lamenting. And adoration.

Next Sunday night, you know where I’ll be.