The Bets Are Set


Okay, our PlaneBusiness Brown Bag Analyst, who just happens to live in Chicago, and I have come to terms on the bets for tomorrow’s game.

No surprise given the two cities. It’s all about food.

You didn’t really think we’d dress up in funny outfits and make fools out of ourselves, now did you?

So if the Saints beat the spread, I get a huge “Taste of Chicago” care package including Eli’s cheesecake, hot dogs, and PIZZA!

If, god forbid, the Bears beat the spread and win, he will get two New Orleans’ muffalettas, gumbo, coffee, and crayfish etoufee.

Oh, and for those of you who read PBB this week, in which I implied I had expended all available emotion for the game last week and therefore had none left for this one tomorrow — you didn’t believe that did you?

Yep. I’m a nervous wreck.

Go Saints.
