Happy Columbus Day

Peanusts Columbus Day-1

When I used to work in New York I never could figure out why bond traders got Columbus Day off but the stock market didn’t.

Anyone know the reason why?

Well – anyway, if you’re a bond trader, happy holiday.

For the rest of us, unless you’re out shopping the Columbus Day sales, it’s a normal day at the office.

Today we’re in Phoenix, having had an opportunity to go down and visit with friends in Tucson this past weekend. For those of you familiar with this part of the world, I have to say I was amazed at how green everything was in Tucson. Even along side the Interstate, everything is green. Not brown. Should make for some spectacular cactus blooms next spring.

On the airline front this week, a look at the headlines this morning tells us that Asian airline customers are not happy with the situation at Airbus — as they “review” their options.


Shame too for Singapore, which unrolled one of the best interactive online promotions for its A380 service we’d seen last month. It promoted the growth of a contest through the use of “get a friend to join” ploy. Meanwhile you answered a series of questions concerning the aircraft and Singapore Airlines for a chance for various goodies, including tickets on the first A380 Singapore put into service.

Unfortunately — that date is now in another galaxy — far, far, away.

In other Airbus-related good news as a result of the additional delivery delays announced last week for the A380, Christian Streiff, the CEO of Airbus is now in the unemployment line. This brings to an end an extended tenure of only 3 months.

Streiff resigned both his CEO spot, and his position on the EADS Executive Committee.

Replacing Streiff will be Louis Gallois. He is also co-CEO of EADS, the parent company of Airbus.