Wednesday Watch: Northwest and Flight Attendants Have Hot Date with the Judge


Just a reminder.

Tomorrow is a big day for Northwest Airlines and its flight attendants. Not to mention airline executives and labor union leaders. And airline industry history buffs like us.

Wednesday, attorneys for Northwest will be in U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Allan Gropper’s courtroom — attempting to convince the judge to block a potential strike or strike actions by the Association of Flight Attendants/CWA, which represents the flight attendants.

For its part, AFA has said publicly this week that it is prepared to continued to fight — whether the judge awards the airline an injunction or not.

This is not an easy one to bet on folks.

Both sides have way too much at stake here to walk away. And I can’t see the airline backing down on its concessions it just imposed on the flight attendant group. That wouldn’t sit well with other employee groups.

But the fact of the matter is, at this point in time, if AFA wants to continue to fight, there’s not much the airline can do about it. Meanwhile, progress towards the airline’s exit from bankruptcy is on hold.

Keep your antennas up and your ears open. Even if the Judge agrees with the airline and rules to block strike action by AFA, AFA has said it will appeal the ruling.

Meanwhile, as far as chit-chattin’ across the negotiation table is concerned, as far as we can tell, ain’t nobody been chattin’ from either side since the flight attendants voted down the last TA.