Monthly Archives: November 2007

WestJet/Air France in Talks? Nice. Very Nice


News reports today say that WestJet is in talks with Air France in an effort to reach an “interline” agreement which would see the airlines cooperate on services.

According to the Globe and Mail, details are being ironed out to first clear the way for WestJet to accept inbound Air France electronic tickets by mid-2008. Air France would accept outbound WestJet e-tickets by the end of 2008. The outbound arrangement means Canadian consumers could eventually book a flight to Paris through WestJet, with Air France getting part of the fare revenue after the French carrier flies passengers overseas.

“Discussions with Air France have been very positive, and there is a strong desire by both airlines to move ahead on an interline traffic agreement,” said Hugh Dunleavy, WestJet executive vice-president of commercial distribution in the article.

Dunleavy said WestJet would announce “substantive airline partners” in 2008. Other “potential” partners being mentioned — no less than Cathay Pacific and British Airways.

Christian Herzog, Air France vice-president of the Americas, said in an interview with the Globe and Mail that no WestJet-Air France deal has been inked yet, but “Canada is an important market for us. WestJet would be a good partner.”

Christian Lahccen, Air France vice-president for Canada, expressed regard for WestJet’s growing network, a sign of “an excellent company.”

WestJet will initially benefit by attracting Air France passengers arriving in Montreal and Toronto, but who want to connect to other cities, said Michael Merrithew, chief executive officer of Toronto-based tour operator Merit Travel Group Inc.

Very nice move for the airline that, as we noted last week in PlaneBusiness Banter, not only posted the best operating margin of any airline in North America for the third quarter, but also posted the lowest break-even load factor as well.

Ticker: (WJA.TO)

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LSU: Two Games from the National Championship

Go Tigers.

FinebaumOh, and for you Alabama fans out there — who beat you today? What was the name of that team? I may have to send fellow University of Tennessee attendee, fellow Daily Beacon alum, and Alabama football expert  Paul Finebaum a note and ask him to explain this unfortunate turn of events to me.

Paul had a lot more hair when I knew him.

We Knew This Was Going To Happen: iPhone Equipped Passenger Takes On Flight Crew Over Weather


One of our subscribers sent me this story today. We all knew this one was inevitable when the latest iPhone commercial rolled out — now didnt we?

“Oh joy! I can’t wait for the next ground delay or long taxi due to weather somewhere to get a smart ass with a freakin I-phone shoving it in my face saying “It’s NOT raining there… SEE !” Too late … already happened to me.  We push back, get advised of a ground stop in MEM due to storms in the area. Go to the penalty box and wait. My Captain does the lecture over the PA… not one minute later, we get dinged from the F/A “Some guy with an IPhone says the weather is good, and wants to know what the real reason is for the delay. Is something wrong with the plane?”

I want to tell this clown what he can do with his IdiotPhone – but the Captain does it even better. He gets on the PA and makes the following announcement :

“If the passenger with the IPhone would be kind enough to use it to check the weather at our alternate, calculate our fuel burn due to being rerouted around the storms, call the dispatcher to arrange our release, and then make a phone call to the nearest Air Traffic Control center to arrange our timely departure amongst the other aircraft carrying passengers with IPhones, then we will be more than happy to depart. Please ring your call button to advise the Flight Attendant and your fellow passengers when you deem it ready and responsible for this multi-million dollar aircraft and its passengers to safely leave.”

Needless to say, the pax was pretty embarrassed. The F/A later told us the rest of the plane was outright laughing at this dude. What a clown.”

I Think We Have A Winner: CAN EAT WAFFLES

I think we have a winner for the Mesa Air Lawsuit Defense Fund name.


Now, bear with me. This was the suggestion of a reader, who wrote,  “If not for the needless “negative energy, and a lot of time spent on lawyers’ pay with very little good coming out of them,” I would have to say that Jonathan Ornstein’s lawsuit would be nothing but comical. And since Mr. Ornstein finds lawsuits such a productive use of money (perhaps he sees this as an attempt to offset the financial impact of having to pay Hawaiian Airlines), I have come up with a catchier name for your legal defense fund.”














Okay, so maybe I’ve been typing for too long.


I kind of like it. Lots of graphics possibilities.

PBB Update: Friday Posting

Okay guys. Tomorrow morning I’m going to unplug the phone and don’t expect me to answer any emails.

No worries. PlaneBusiness Banter will be up in plenty of time for you to print and read on your way out of town.

By the way, how many of you find the numbers coming out of the Dubai Air Show rather mind-numbing?

Was just finishing up our take on the haul by Airbus and Boeing in this week’s issue, and I tell you what, if you want any more evidence that the center of the aircraft universe is nowhere near the U.S. — look at the orders that were announced this week from Middle Eastern and Asian carriers.

Airbus and Boeing have announced contracts worth almost $70 billion over the past four days. Airbus sold 297 jetliners and Boeing 155, putting the two companies on track to easily exceed  2005’s record of 2,057 orders.

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Mesa Defamation Lawsuit Defense Fund In the Works

Legal Scales

The only way to effectively deal with lawsuits such as the SLAPP suit that has been filed against me by Jonathan Ornstein, CEO of Mesa Air Group — is to attempt to negate the reasons for them in the first place.

It is my belief that this suit was filed for two reasons. One, it is an attempt to intimidate me. Two, it is an attempt to bankrupt me.

So first — I’m not intimidated.

In reference to the second issue, it’s not going to happen.

On that note, I have been truly overwhelmed with the show of support that has come in from many of you in just the last couple of days in regard to contributing to the cause. I don’t know what else to say, except thank you.

In response to those communications concerning potential donations — hold those thoughts!

I will be posting more information here in the next couple of days as to how you can contribute to a PlaneBuzz Legal Defense Fund. (And yes, isn’t that one of those “More Room in Coach” sounding monikers? I assure you I will come up with something more catchy and less….catatonic.)

In the meantime, I have a day job I need to attend to — this week’s issue of PlaneBusiness Banter.

Talk to you guys later.

Ticker: (MESA:Nasdaq)

Delta, United: A Cluster….(pause)


Just for the record — I am a big fan of CNBC’s Erin Burnett. A really big fan. She’s smart, she’s sassy, she knows what the hell she’s talking about. She’s also a former M&A banker with Goldman Sachs.

Every morning, I make sure I catch (either live or on tape) her 5 minute segment on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that is hosted by Joe Scarborough. She and Joe have a conversation back and forth, and it’s a nice concise look at what will probably be shaking in the market during the day. I don’t have time to listen to CNBC for long periods of time, but this segment always serves as a nice short condensed look at what’s on the horizon. I also usually agree with Erin’s take on the market as a whole — so that doesn’t hurt either.

This morning, as Erin was wrapping up her take on what the market would probably be doing this morning (the live segment airs about 7:15 ET), she brought up the subject of the Delta/United merger rumors.


Joe’s response, uttered in a slow dramatic fashion.  “Oh god.”


Erin then added, “I personally don’t like to fly United.”

Then after a more serious comment about why a merger might be considered (we all know the reasons including higher fuel prices ), and Joe allowed as to how he’s had “issues with Delta,” (Joe was constantly bitching about Delta Air Lines over the summer as he continues to fly regularly between his home base in Jacksonville and New York), Joe said, “Okay, so I’ve had issues with Delta in the past, and you’ve had issues with United, and now….these two may merge.”

To which, after an appropriate pause, Erin responded, “Yeah, I know. It just becomes one ……giant……..Goliath.”

Joe, smiling, “One giant cluster…..what?”

Erin, looking down at her paperwork, smiling, and trying to figure out what to say next, “Ah, yes, a cluster, a cluster of something.”

Joe: “Ah, yes….a cluster…….of love.”

Laughs all around the “Morning Joe” table and a big smile from Erin, as she said, “Yes, a big cluster……of love.

That’s it folks. From now on, this potential deal has a new moniker as far as I’m concerned.

A cluster…..of love.

Ticker: (DAL:NYSE), (UAUA:Nasdaq)

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Nothing Like A Leaked Story…

As we alluded to in the last post — one of our readers just confirmed that he’s being told Pardus leaked the letter to both the Associated Press and Jeff Bailey at the New York Times.

Considering how thick and credible the rumors have been over the last several months linking Delta Air Lines and Northwest Airlines — all of this today now makes perfect sense.