PlaneBusiness Banter Now Posted!

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Alas, vacation is over. Time to get back to work.

This week PlaneBusiness Banter begins its 14th year of publication. Thanks to all of our subscribers for supporting us through the years. Needless to say, we couldn’t have done it without you!

This week we get you caught up on all the usual stuff — including airline stocks, energy prices, and RASM estimates from August.

But we’ve got a lot more than that. In honor of Labor Day, we talk at length about the three biggest labor/management cat fights now in progress. We also chatter about Michael O’Leary’s latest publicity tease, and we note British Airways‘ comments regarding a recurring case of lust for Qantas.

But frankly, we’re all over the map with this issue, as we try and play catch up from our summer hiatus.

Subscribers can access this weeks issue here. Now.