Dave Carroll’s “Truly Inspired” ‘United Breaks Guitars’ Sequel

As one of our readers said in a note to me today, “A truly inspired sequel, with higher production values!”

Yes, Dave Carroll is back.

You know Dave. The man who grabbed more than five million sets of eyeballs to YouTube with his original hit, “United Breaks Guitars.”

Yes, well, Dave’s back.

This time with the promised part two of this his three part trilogy thrashing United Airlines for first, damaging his beloved guitar, 2) the airline’s subsequent refusal to pay for the damage.

This second effort takes a pot shot directly at the United Airlines employee who Dave dealt directly with as he tried to get the airline to do the right thing — Ms. Irlweg.

He serenades the caustic United supervisor who denied his claim back in 2008 by singing, “Oh, Ms. Irlweg, we don’t need to fight. We could be best buddies, but our relationship has been muddied by a flawed United Airlines policy.”

Dave’s second effort is not as catchy as the first, but as our reader noted, “Be sure to watch for special guests Glenn Tilton, Miss Almighty Dollar and their body guards. Also, watch to the very end (after the song ends)!”

I think the tuba is the best part.

Here you go!